Friday 19 June 2009

My first blog

Well here I am, a blog virgin. I have written a journal for years and I have been Facebooking for months now but this is my first blog.

The hardest part was choosing a name. It feels important and I wanted to summarise all the important stuff in a few short words and that was a lot harder than I thought it would be!

So what's my 'status' right now? Well, I am at my desk at work but it is very quiet today which is just as well as I suddenly started a summer cold today (not swine flu as far as I know - no fever, no aches, no fatigue etc just the drippy nose and slightly sore throat). That's bad timing really as I need to do a training cycle tomorrow - I am signed up for a sponsored bike ride in September to raise money for British Heart Foundation. The sponsored event is 47 miles around the villages of Wiltshire and I am due to go out for a 20-25 mile ride tomorrow as part of training. I was supposed to do it last week but my training partner was really ill and at 630am on a sunday morning I figured the best response to that was to go back to bed!!

I have been watching the BBC drama 'Occupation' this week. It was powerful stuff and I woke up thinking about it this morning. I thought James Nesbitt was outstanding - he conveyed the emotions without saying much and without overacting - amazing to watch. And the different stories within it were powerful, interesting, thought-provoking, emotional, heart-wrenching, fear-inspiring....worth watching on i-player if you missed it on TV!

Well that's it for my first post ... I'll be back (as a famous Austrian once said).

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