Friday 14 August 2009

Conference, capability and concerns

Summer Conference
I had been looking forward to Summer Conference for months - time out with God and friends, relaxing and learning and growing. The reality was rain and mud and leaving early. It was great to meet up with old friends and make some new ones and the few meetings I made it to were interesting and the worship was good. I didn't even mind the rain so much it was just the amount of mud you had to wade through to get to the shop or the toilets or even into the main meetings; after the horrendous mud last year as well I just could not cope with it. If I hadn't been the 'on-call nurse' on the Tuesday I would have gone home on Monday night. As it was we left on Wednesday evening. We had managed to pack everything up in the dry which was a good thing. I went there thirsty for God and I came away still thirsty.

One of my first jobs back at work was to go to a capability appeal hearing for an employee. I had gone along thinking it was about his capability to do his job and yet his union rep turned it into my capability to have a professional opinion - I am trying not to take it personally but it does feel personal.

And just to finish off the first week back from holidays, I have been worrying about a good friend who is having a heart scare at the moment. All I can do is pray and be there - so leave it in Papa's hands.

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