Monday 5 March 2012

Oh how time flies

Well, it's been over 2 years since I last posted here. It has been a full time with highs and lows.

The last post talked about a 47 mile bike ride. Since then I completed a London to Paris ride in aid of the Royal British Legion. It was an awesome time. A real adventure as I set off with a load of strangers to challenge my physical and mental boundaries all in a good cause. The feeling of cycling up the Champs Elysees with tears of joy and triumph bubbling up was just amazing - all the blood sweat and tears was worth it.

Unfortunately I was ill for pretty much a year after that with various issues including SAD and migraines so exercise fell off my priorities for a while. I am just making an effort now to get back into running and cycling again. (I also did a triathlon in 2010 - also for RBL - and another amazing memory, I was 104 outof 109 getting out of the docks after the swim leg but I managed to climb to 89th place over all over the cycle and run legs).

Exercise of the body got somewhat replaced by exercise of the brain as I have been studying two courses since September 2010. I am doing a 2 year theology course, Exploring Christianity, and a 2 year MSc course, Workplace Health. It's all getting serious right now as I approach the actual research project.

I have come to the conclusion that I am always going to be a busy person. I like to have lots of things going on, to challenge myself, to give back, to collect interesting memories and experiences in all areas of my life.

The more I think about what has happened in my life since I last wrote here the more I am amazed at how much that has been. I have come a long way, learnt a lot, grown a lot - it's been quite a ride. And I thank God that I am part of his family and that I have grown in him in that time and that he has put me in an amazing family community here too. It's a blessed life.

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