Thursday 1 November 2012


More time has flown since my last post. Happily both the courses have come to successful conclusions since then. The theology course has lead to me leading a small group studying the Michael Lloyd book 'Cafe Theology'. And I am just working on where the MSc might lead ... various types of work in the pipeline.

I have been through a bit of a metamorphosis this summer. It has been VERY full on with work, studies, being an Olympic Games Maker, working on several committees and teams in the church and various other demands. That pressure was followed by a vacuum where I had to look at what is really important and what things can or should be dropped from an over-packed schedule. I am only just re-engaging with some of my responsibilities and have resigned from others and some I am taking my time to consider which way to go.

Right now though, my plans are to reconnect with my friends and family and spend some time smelling the coffee (and drinking it, while I watch a show or two).

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