Thursday 9 July 2009

progress and steps backwards

Just a short one tonight as I really need to go to bed soon.

I have had a bit of progress in some areas and a step backwards in others. Yesterday I got a PB on sprints on the bike in my personal training session (I took 1 minute 17 seconds off my previous PB). And then today I managed a very pleasing PB on the rower when I was acting as timer in the gym circuits class - I did 1000m in 3 minutes 53.7 seconds!! (My previous best was 4 mins 1 secs). And there is progress in the weightloss/inch loss plan as well as I managed to get into a smaller dress size and continue to inch towards the next weight milestone.

The backwards step came on Tuesday when I had a headache which meant I had to pull out of the housegroup barbecue. Since I started the new tablets I have just had one migraine which is good for me.

Well, time now for bed because there is still one more day at work until the weekend.

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