Monday 12 November 2012

Bonus days

Don't you just love bonus days? Twice last week I went into work to find that no appointments had been made for me and I had unexpected time off. Friday I had gone all the way to Bridgwater but it turned into the most wonderful day. I decided to park myself in a coffee shop on the way home with a large mug of gingerbread latte while I completed a book review that has been on my 'to do' list for a good couple of weeks. That was a very pleasant couple of hours. And then when I got home I found that Mr E was having coffee with one of my bestest friends and I was able to join them for a bonus half hour.

Friday was the birthday of 'the lovely Linda' and so I took the opportunity of bonus time off to go and see her and had the most wonderful 2.5 hours catching up with her and having a good old natter over coffee and birthday cake.

That evening I went to 'Movies at Malmesbury' for the first time. I have never managed to get organised enough previously to know what was on and to get tickets. I went to see a 'Globe on Screen' production which is a project to bring plays from The Globe Theatre in London to the big screen around the country. And the offering in question was 'Dr Faustus'. I was expecting a Christopher Marlowe play to be pretty high brow but was very pleasantly surprised to find myself laughing out loud at some parts as well as loving the theological nature of the topic. A thoroughly good way to end a thoroughly good day.

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