Friday 2 November 2012

Inspirational people

Reading the blog of my lovely friend Andrea has inspired me to blog a bit more myself. It was fascinating to see how creative and talented she is at the same time as being funny, informative and just plain interesting. My own blog seems a little dull in comparison but maybe with practice it will be something worth reading.

So getting some inspiration there made me think about the inspiring people, places, things and events that are all around. I have been lucky enough in the last couple of years to have several people tell me that I have inspired them, be it with exercise or studying or even in one amazingly encouraging conversation to walk with God. The odd thing is that I don't feel in the least inspirational. Maybe that is the point, trying too hard to be inspirational is like trying to catch a cloud. It's not so much WHAT we do that captures people's imagination and inspires them so much as HOW we do whatever it is that we do.

Not only has Andrea inspired me to keep on blogging but she has also inspired me to keep home more creatively. Mr E (how funny, as he often is a bit of a mystery) has been pleased to be on the receiving end of home -cooked food every night this week and even got some home baking. I have always been able to cook since I started stirring the gravy and making jelly before I even started school. It's just that for the majority of my adult life I have opted not to cook the mundane every day food. Maybe now though I can indulge my creative cooking skills. I am sure that Mystery will not complain!

Another inspiration is Sarah, she is so passionate and committed to the youth of the area and especially of the church. We have recently acknowledged that youth work is NOT my passion but that does not stop me being inspired to pursue the things that do fire my passion. In my case that is mostly the world of work and health but lifelong learning, travel, reading, theatre and film are all up there too.

Adele inspires me to just get on out there and live. Steve inspires me to 'be the best'. Andy inspires me to just keep on and never quit. Dave inspires me with his amazing steadfastness. Mum-in-law inspires me with her commitment to family and her ability to keep on going, keep on giving, keep on being amazing. So many wonderful people around me ... so much wonderful inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww blushing! U r very inspirational to me to!
