Wednesday 14 November 2012


MADASH is an acronym for Mondays at Dave and Sian's House. It's first incarnation was as a youth group which we led at King's Church but the new version is for mutual pastoral care at Malmesbury Abbey. It has only been going for three weeks and the idea is for us to meet together in an informal way and eat together and support each other. I can't speak for how others are seeing it but from my own point of view I am already making the transition from 'entertaining' to 'hospitality'. I am worrying less about the state of the floors and more about the needs of the people who come. And it has already been an encouragement to me.

I spoke to The Lovely Linda about is last week and this week she sent me an encouraging verse from 'The Message' with her own words to 'know that you are in a right place - doing the right thing - right now!'. The verses from The Message were Romans 15:1-2
     "Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to
      those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service,
      not for status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking
      ourselves, "How can I help?"."

Monday 12 November 2012

Bonus days

Don't you just love bonus days? Twice last week I went into work to find that no appointments had been made for me and I had unexpected time off. Friday I had gone all the way to Bridgwater but it turned into the most wonderful day. I decided to park myself in a coffee shop on the way home with a large mug of gingerbread latte while I completed a book review that has been on my 'to do' list for a good couple of weeks. That was a very pleasant couple of hours. And then when I got home I found that Mr E was having coffee with one of my bestest friends and I was able to join them for a bonus half hour.

Friday was the birthday of 'the lovely Linda' and so I took the opportunity of bonus time off to go and see her and had the most wonderful 2.5 hours catching up with her and having a good old natter over coffee and birthday cake.

That evening I went to 'Movies at Malmesbury' for the first time. I have never managed to get organised enough previously to know what was on and to get tickets. I went to see a 'Globe on Screen' production which is a project to bring plays from The Globe Theatre in London to the big screen around the country. And the offering in question was 'Dr Faustus'. I was expecting a Christopher Marlowe play to be pretty high brow but was very pleasantly surprised to find myself laughing out loud at some parts as well as loving the theological nature of the topic. A thoroughly good way to end a thoroughly good day.

Friday 2 November 2012

Inspirational people

Reading the blog of my lovely friend Andrea has inspired me to blog a bit more myself. It was fascinating to see how creative and talented she is at the same time as being funny, informative and just plain interesting. My own blog seems a little dull in comparison but maybe with practice it will be something worth reading.

So getting some inspiration there made me think about the inspiring people, places, things and events that are all around. I have been lucky enough in the last couple of years to have several people tell me that I have inspired them, be it with exercise or studying or even in one amazingly encouraging conversation to walk with God. The odd thing is that I don't feel in the least inspirational. Maybe that is the point, trying too hard to be inspirational is like trying to catch a cloud. It's not so much WHAT we do that captures people's imagination and inspires them so much as HOW we do whatever it is that we do.

Not only has Andrea inspired me to keep on blogging but she has also inspired me to keep home more creatively. Mr E (how funny, as he often is a bit of a mystery) has been pleased to be on the receiving end of home -cooked food every night this week and even got some home baking. I have always been able to cook since I started stirring the gravy and making jelly before I even started school. It's just that for the majority of my adult life I have opted not to cook the mundane every day food. Maybe now though I can indulge my creative cooking skills. I am sure that Mystery will not complain!

Another inspiration is Sarah, she is so passionate and committed to the youth of the area and especially of the church. We have recently acknowledged that youth work is NOT my passion but that does not stop me being inspired to pursue the things that do fire my passion. In my case that is mostly the world of work and health but lifelong learning, travel, reading, theatre and film are all up there too.

Adele inspires me to just get on out there and live. Steve inspires me to 'be the best'. Andy inspires me to just keep on and never quit. Dave inspires me with his amazing steadfastness. Mum-in-law inspires me with her commitment to family and her ability to keep on going, keep on giving, keep on being amazing. So many wonderful people around me ... so much wonderful inspiration.

Thursday 1 November 2012


More time has flown since my last post. Happily both the courses have come to successful conclusions since then. The theology course has lead to me leading a small group studying the Michael Lloyd book 'Cafe Theology'. And I am just working on where the MSc might lead ... various types of work in the pipeline.

I have been through a bit of a metamorphosis this summer. It has been VERY full on with work, studies, being an Olympic Games Maker, working on several committees and teams in the church and various other demands. That pressure was followed by a vacuum where I had to look at what is really important and what things can or should be dropped from an over-packed schedule. I am only just re-engaging with some of my responsibilities and have resigned from others and some I am taking my time to consider which way to go.

Right now though, my plans are to reconnect with my friends and family and spend some time smelling the coffee (and drinking it, while I watch a show or two).

Monday 5 March 2012

Oh how time flies

Well, it's been over 2 years since I last posted here. It has been a full time with highs and lows.

The last post talked about a 47 mile bike ride. Since then I completed a London to Paris ride in aid of the Royal British Legion. It was an awesome time. A real adventure as I set off with a load of strangers to challenge my physical and mental boundaries all in a good cause. The feeling of cycling up the Champs Elysees with tears of joy and triumph bubbling up was just amazing - all the blood sweat and tears was worth it.

Unfortunately I was ill for pretty much a year after that with various issues including SAD and migraines so exercise fell off my priorities for a while. I am just making an effort now to get back into running and cycling again. (I also did a triathlon in 2010 - also for RBL - and another amazing memory, I was 104 outof 109 getting out of the docks after the swim leg but I managed to climb to 89th place over all over the cycle and run legs).

Exercise of the body got somewhat replaced by exercise of the brain as I have been studying two courses since September 2010. I am doing a 2 year theology course, Exploring Christianity, and a 2 year MSc course, Workplace Health. It's all getting serious right now as I approach the actual research project.

I have come to the conclusion that I am always going to be a busy person. I like to have lots of things going on, to challenge myself, to give back, to collect interesting memories and experiences in all areas of my life.

The more I think about what has happened in my life since I last wrote here the more I am amazed at how much that has been. I have come a long way, learnt a lot, grown a lot - it's been quite a ride. And I thank God that I am part of his family and that I have grown in him in that time and that he has put me in an amazing family community here too. It's a blessed life.